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MV 1846 ECV 2024 Fall Doins McAlpine Lake (Trout Pond)

McAlpine Lake 900 Anzar Road, San Juan Bautista

Monterey Viejo 1846 Fall Doins at McAlpine Lake
Oct 4th-6th 2024 CY 6029
Gate open Friday at 11AM. Friday night is Beluga Brothers. Our incomparable cooking crew, headed by Clamp Chef Matt White will prepare three square meals for your gluttonous delights on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. Our illustrious Hawker Dylan Tortolani will have a stupendous new shirt of the day along with his other wondrous trinkets. Save some gold dust for Rafflemeister Antonino Hamburglar Moya and his always stupendous Raffle. Our Hangman Mark Testicles Hammonds and his crew will hang 'em high. Get your clean and sober PBC's there by 9:00 AM Saturday Morning!
MclApline Lake and Park
900 Anzar Rd, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045
If you plan on bringing an RV message the Humbug Jeremy Shipp (916)519-7852 so he can make arrangements.
The Rub for this stupendous event with 4 squares will be:
Prepay for Redshirts Only: $70.00 (First 100 Redshirts to prepay will get a madnificient coin of the day. Prepay ends Sept. 24th 2024)
Redshirt Price Day of $80.00
PBC's and Retread: $100.00

Of course ALL G.C. No No's Apply!!!! No guns, long knives, explosives, Widders, Orphans, Dogs, and of course no fighting. All G.C. rules will be observed!!! The minimum age for PBC's to join Monterey Viejo 1846 is 25, there are no exceptions to this. You must be a member in good standing of Monterey Viejo 1846 if you are sponsoring a PBC. PBCs and Retreads must have an ID at registration, no exceptions. They may be asked on Friday night by officers and if they don't have ID they will be escorted off Clampsite. Again, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Call NGH Jeremy Shipp @ (916) 519-7852

$72.33 – $103.20